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The Most Important Thing for Your Newborn

What is the most important thing for your newborn baby? 

What is the most important thing for your newborn baby? Learn more in my blog post: http://coffeewinerain.blogspot.com/2017/01/the-most-important-thing-for-your.html
What is going to affect his long-term development? How can you significantly make a positive impact on this new life? What is that one thing that he needs the most? 

You. Your love. Your attention. Your time.

That is all he needs. Nothing more. Nothing less. 

It is a big commitment but that's exactly what being a parent is. A lifelong commitment. 

The first 3 months of baby's life are really the 4th trimester. They are the first months of his life earthside, learning about his new world and how he fits in it. He needs you to show him how loved he is. He needs to know you're there for him. 

According to Jean Liedloff, how we treat our baby during this critical time determines how he will develop in his life, both psychologically and emotionally. She says that evolution has primed our babies to expect that until they can crawl we will be carrying them everywhere and sleeping in the same bed with them and that by not providing this to our child we are depriving them of the nurturing and love they need to develop successfully. 
What is the most important thing for your newborn baby? Learn more in my blog post: http://coffeewinerain.blogspot.com/2017/01/the-most-important-thing-for-your.html

This can sound like a lot of work to always be carrying your baby about but with all the modern day baby carriers on the market it's no work at all and actually fun! Babywearing makes parenting easier (plus you get to wear cute stylish carriers). 

Bed sharing is much less scary than it sounds too. You may have a fear you'll crush the baby or you won't get any sleep but really you'll sleep just as well or better than if she was in another room. Breastfeeding while bed sharing is so simple too, you don't even have to get up. When baby stirs and nuzzles for a boob, you can pull it out and you both fall back asleep as she nurses. 
What is the most important thing for your newborn baby? Learn more in my blog post: http://coffeewinerain.blogspot.com/2017/01/the-most-important-thing-for-your.html

Being able to keep baby close to you throughout the day and night helps this new little human feel safe that momma is there for them, confident that they will be taken care of, and free to enjoy their new worlds sights and sounds. A brand new baby doesn't know anything but the feeling of contentment in someone's arms and the stark contrast of not being in-arms that creates a desire to be held. 

That's all he wants, to be held. To feel the comfort, caress, warmth and love in the arms of his caregiver. He knows no feelings of hope that'll you'll pick him up soon or patience to wait for you. His cries to express his desire to be held only end when relief comes or he is simply exhausted from crying and falls asleep. 
What is the most important thing for your newborn baby? Learn more in my blog post: http://coffeewinerain.blogspot.com/2017/01/the-most-important-thing-for-your.html

So forget about the housework, order delivery, and go cuddle with that sweet new life. That's all he really wants. The more time you can have him be in-arms the more confident, happy, and emotionally stable he will be as he grows up.

If you are interested in learning more about this style of parenting that supports raising an emotionally healthy child and creating a joyful fulfilling relationship I highly suggest the book: The Continuum Concept

I am not a physician nor am I giving medical advice. Please consult your physician before following any of my advice listed above or in any other page of my website. None of the links above are affiliate links and I make no money from them.

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